Recap: Cheese 101 at the Tisbury Library

This was a really fun one for me! A few weeks ago I facilitated a Cheese 101 + Tasting at the Tisbury Library. The library program coordinator reached out to me about doing a sort of cheese tasting / lecture class for their library members. I jumped at the opportunity!

One of the library program coordinators giving an intro about MV Cheesery!
One of the library program coordinators giving an intro about MV Cheesery!

I had a lot of fun putting together a tasting plate of 5 cheeses and preparing “lecture materials”. It made me realize that I really enjoy teaching! The session was extremely interactive and we had a lot of great questions from the participants. We tasted our way through 5 cheeses that represented a few of the different “cheese families”. I shared info about the science of cheesemaking and cheese tasting.

We had 25 participants taste along with me through 5 different cheeses.

Everyone learned a little something and tried some delicious cheese. A win-win!

Our cheese line-up included:

🧀 St. Stephen from Four Fat Fowls – This was sooo ripe and ready that we spooned it out!

🧀 3 Year Cheddar from Cabot Creamery – An absolute crowd pleaser

🧀 Alpha Tolman from Jasper Hill – Complex and crushable

🧀 Prufrock from Grey Barn – Our hometown hero!

🧀 Great Hill Blue from Great Hill Dairy – Spicy and powerful

I’m hoping to do more cheesy events like this across the island. There are a few more libraries on the island where I can maybe take this cheese show on the road 😉

Annnnnd after talking about milk for over an hour, I had a leaky letdown! 🤣 #cheesemomger
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Grilled Cheese Night!

Thursday, November 16